Case studies

Julian Renpenning, PhD

Case Study

Data Science and Profiling for Lead Generation

A Global Biotech and Lab Technology Supplier

How to use Collected Marketing Data and Data Science in Combination with Telemarketing for Prospect Profiling & Lead Generation

Digital marketing generates a lot of data. Unfortunately, because of its complexity, the variety of datasets it contains, or the sheer volume of data that makes it challenging to process or analyze, this data frequently goes unused. Fortunately, a growing number of marketing tools are on the market that make data-driven marketing possible by utilizing the important data that is gathered over time. Utilizing the data to create a marketing strategy, tactic, or execution that has an impact is still a challenge.

Collected data from various marketing channels, such as digital events, webinars, email interactions, or website engagements, combined with an advanced CRM, provides a rich data source that can be used to identify relevant prospects for a marketing campaign. If the data is well organized, it will provide you with relevant prospects for the product you are targeting. Through the use of data science and data management tools, the data you collect can be repurposed to add value to your business.

The goal of this campaign was to leverage the collected marketing data to find relevant prospects in Europe, increase awareness of our product and value proposition, and generate sales-qualified leads.

Through the application of data science and collected data from events, webinars, email interactions, and website engagements, we were able to identify over 5200 potential prospects in the database that were either interested in or utilizing our target product. This information alone can be used to nurture leads or increase sales through targeted prospecting.

For prospecting and lead generation from our data set, we used telemarketing (with external support). The use of external resources for prospecting accelerated the turnaround time, gave us detailed information about the quality of the data, and didn’t burden the busy sales teams with additional workload, but instead provided them with sales-qualified leads.

During the campaign’s duration of 2–3 months, we gathered the following results:

  • 720 contacts were prospected, with 316 live conversations
  • 79% qualified contacts were identified, and 21% were converted to sales qualified leads
  • 60+ sales-qualified leads were generated, along with 5 contact requests.
  • 20 sales-opportunities of a value of $1.5+ million were created 
  • Additional information on the market segment, technologies used, instrument suppliers, etc. was collected, which could be used in future marketing campaigns and lead generation.

Case Study

Utilizing Funding Databases To Find Prospects And Generate Leads

A Global Biotech and Lab Technology Supplier

How to Use Research Funding Databases to identify potential prospects in relevant market segments and technology areas.

Reaching out to the appropriate consumer at the right time is critical for sales reps to close deals. This is especially true in academia and the research sector, where funding isn’t constantly accessible or must be invested during a given term. Identifying the prospect and connecting at the appropriate time can have a significant impact on the sales outcome and cycle. Unfortunately, most salesmen do not have time to investigate scientific funding databases for possible prospects. However, marketing can help and enable sales by leveraging data to identify the appropriate prospect at the right time.

Research funding databases can be a valuable resource for identifying and connecting with appropriate prospects. Science-specific lead generation platforms such as SciLeads aggregate thousands of data sources from conferences, research grants, journals, and venture capital funding to create searchable profiles that include phone numbers, email addresses, and LinkedIn profiles. Government platforms, such as Horizon, offer a free database to find potential customers who have received funding in your sector.

The objective of this project was to use research funding data to identify relevant prospects in focus areas for profiling and lead generation.

Funding databases, such as SciLeads, were used to identify specific research areas that require specialized analytical equipment or consumables. One of these areas was the evolving field of battery research, which requires analytical equipment for elemental analysis to support innovation in this area.

Using SciLeads and specific search filters, relevant projects and funding could be identified in the database. Reports generated by SciLeads include important data such as researchers’ or project managers’ names, email addresses, phone numbers, employers, places of employment, and more. The Horizon 2020 dataset was another source of information that was analyzed and reported using Power BI.

Contact information including phone numbers was utilized for telemarketing account profiling and contact (external support). In cases where prospects’ phone numbers or emails were unavailable, LinkedIn SalesNavigator was utilized to locate and establish contact with them.

During the campaign’s pilot campaign, we gathered the following results:

  • 544 contacts were prospected, with 278 live conversations
  • 51% qualified contacts were identified, and 19% were converted to sales qualified leads
  • 54+ sales-qualified leads
  • 12 sales-opportunities of a value of $800k+ were created
  • Additional information on the market segment, technologies used, instrument suppliers, etc. was collected, which could be used in future marketing campaigns and lead generation.

Case Study

Expansion into new markets with digital Events — Virtual Battery Day

How to use digital events to expand into new markets, reach new audiences, and gather business-relevant data.

LUMITOS AG (aka and has a long history of serving B2B clients in the industrial, biotech, life science, and laboratory equipment industries. and are among the largest B2B marketing platforms in the DACH region (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland) and Europe, with organic traffic of 3.5 million per month. With the expansion of battery technology as an industrial sector in Europe, LUMITOS AG would like to increase its involvement in battery chemistry and related fields. This includes increasing awareness and visibility in the battery technology community, as well as among stakeholders and suppliers in the battery value chain. A skills gap in the marketing team regarding battery technology and experience was the main challenge LUMITOS faced. 

LUMITOS has long-standing partnerships with a variety of industrial and scientific companies that supply the battery value chain. However, in this expanding industry, platforms such as and must establish a new audience in the battery technology sector. 

The objectives were to identify and engage with key contributors in the research and startup communities. Overall, the main purpose was to expand the contact database in the battery technology sector.

To accomplish this, the client chose a digital event, Virtual Battery Day 2023, to reach and expand new audiences in battery research, startups, and suppliers. For the digital event to be successful, the client needed outside support to create appropriate content, including copywriting, communications, startup and business database collection, event layout, and messaging. The client also needed assistance promoting the event to increase registration and attendance.

In this particular case, the client leveraged my professional background working within the battery marketing sector, as well as established connections within the battery community and social media. This supported the client’s efforts to identify relevant speakers, generate event content and messaging, and promote the event to a targeted audience.

During the virtual battery day 2023 timeframe of 3 days, we gathered the following results:

  • 500+ contacts through digital event registrations, and 300+ event participants
  • 20 contributions through presentations from battery research, startups, and suppliers 
  • 42 battery startups and manufacturers in the business overview database
  • 12 battery value chain suppliers supporting the digital event
  • All content is available on-demand in the Topic World – Battery Tech, further contributing to contact data collection and lead generation on and

Case Study

Using Educational Webinars to engage with customers and find new prospects

How to use webinars to connect with target audiences, collect contact data and generate leads.

Identifying the relevant audience for trace analysis and related product lines was the challenge in this project. The precise segmentation of the target audience into market segments or technologies is a powerful tool for the optimization of marketing strategies. However, in most of our marketing campaigns, we don’t reach the right audience at the right time. Unfortunately, often, the marketing contact data doesn’t reflect the interest of the prospect with enough accuracy to allow the precise marketing strategies or tactics to be more effective.

For this project, our goal was to accurately identify a precise segment of our known customers and to gather new prospective customers who are interested in trace element analysis. Digital webinars, which can be pre-recorded and used for live and on-demand sessions, were a valuable tool for execution and contact data collection. In addition, audiences and customers have a preference for educational content over marketing content. As a result, the internal sales and technical teams were very supportive of this strategy. It helped them identify relevant prospects and reconnect with or engage with their customers.

The goal of this project was the creation of high-quality webinar content for the purpose of target audience engagement. In addition, the goal was to collect contact information for the purpose of segmentation, lead generation, prospecting, and future nurturing of a very specific target audience.

To overcome screen fatigue, we decided to create a more entertaining experience using a combination of presentation slides, video, and green screen video creation. The webinar platform hosted the webinar for a one-time live session and continued on-demand access. As a result, the content created can be repurposed for future tactics and combined with other campaigns.

We used multiple marketing channels to promote the educational webinars with the sales teams. Unlike traditional marketing strategies, LinkedIn was a strategic new channel that provided access to new audiences. Here, we were able to leverage the power of the connection network within the company to amplify our message and generate strong interest in the professional community.

During the timeframe of the educational webinar series campaign, we gathered the following results:

  • 2 educational webinars were created together with technical specialists
  • All promotional and sales enablement collateral was created by me, but heavily promoted by the sales teams
  • 3900+ contacts collected through webinar registrations, and 2000+ unique attendees
  • 470+ leads, connection requests and technical questions were generated throughout the live and on-demand sessions 
  • The cost of the webinar platform and the live-session, plus the on-demand access, was $2400
  •  While direct sales promotion was a strong marketing tactic, social media had the strongest impacts, considering resources and cost, while email invites to known customers were the third-strongest channel for webinar registrations 
  • Collected contact details were further used as a segmented dataset for a target audience in other marketing campaigns, such as data science and profiling for lead generation 
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